Step 1: Select your search type

Step 2: Enter search criteria

Search Tips:


Enter a last name, or enter both a first/preferred name and a last name.

  • Use this option to look for a specific individual.
  • Uncheck "exact match" if you're unsure of how to spell the last name. It will broaden your search.
  • You cannot search by first name or preferred name only.


Select the "Nurse ID" option and enter a nurse ID number.

  • Use this option to look for a specific individual.
  • Every current or former BCCNM registrant has a unique ID number.


Select the "Nurse Type" option and then select a specific type from the drop down menu.

  • Use this option to look for a specific type of nurse.
  • This option will return all individuals who are or were that type of nurse.
  • If you select the "nurse practitioners" type, you can narrow your search by checking one of the boxes under "NP Category". Every nurse practitioner will be within one of these categories.

Can't find who or what you're looking for?

  • Applicants and applicant information are not shown in Nurse Verification.
  • If you are a registrant or applicant and want to confirm your future registration status, please send an email to We will respond to these requests within three business days.
  • If you are an employer looking for routine bulk verification of registrants' current and/or future registration status, please email your list of Nurse IDs to We will respond to these requests within five business days. For other requests, we may take up to 30 business days to respond.

BCCNM makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all of the information displayed in Nurse Verification is accurate and complete. Please review our terms of website use.

For Midwife Directory, click here