Monica Mina
Nursing group
Standing with the College
Start Date
End Date
Registrant Type and Class
Authorized to practise
Apr 01, 2024
Mar 31, 2025
Current - Practising NP
Nurse Details
Nurse Practitioner / Certified Practice
Primary Employer
University of British Columbia
6363 Agronomy Rd
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604-222-2273
If you see an error or omission in the registrant information displayed here, please notify us at If you wish to request or make an inquiry about registrant information not displayed here, please contact us at We will respond to information requests in accordance with applicable law including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Health Professions Act.
Retrieved on: September 19, 2024

1MSP eligible means that the registrant is authorized to independently make referrals/requests for medical or diagnostic services in accordance with the BCCNM Standards, Limits, and Conditions.

2Prescribing Authority means that the NP registrant, RN/RPN opioid use disorder prescriber or certified practice RN (that has completed a prescriber course) is authorized to independently prescribe medications in accordance with BCCNM Standards, Limits and Conditions.